Cornflour Gloop

Gloop has a unique texture that can provide a tactile and sensory experience. Manipulating gloop requires hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills, making it a helpful activity for supporting the development of these skills. Playing with gloop can be a relaxing and stress-relieving activity, which makes it great for those rainy days!

  • Cornflour
  • Water
  • Food Colouring, Dye or Paint


Mix Ingredients
  • In a bowl, add 1 cup of cornflour.
  • Slowly add water to the cornflour while stirring it continuously with a spoon or whisk. The ratio of cornflour to water should be approximately 2:1, or enough water to create a thick, paste-like consistency.
  • Continue to stir the mixture until all the lumps are gone and the gloop is smooth and consistent.
  • The gloop should have a thick consistency when held in your hand, but should be able to run through your fingers like a liquid.
Make Your Colours

You can add food coloring to the gloop to give it a more interesting color if desired.

Ready To Use

Your gloop is now ready to use!


  • Add in cups, scoops, small bowls to encourage tipping, pouring, filling, transporting schemas.
  • Add small toys to support fine motor skills. The small toys will become stuck in the gloop and is tricky to pull them back out.
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