Learning Outcome Definitions

Physical Abilities

Fine motor skills are the abilities that allow us to use our small muscles in a precise and coordinated way to perform tasks that require dexterity and control, such as writing, drawing, cutting with scissors, or manipulating small objects. These skills involve the coordination between the eyes and hands, and they are developed through practice and repetition.

Gross motor skills refer to the abilities that involve the use of large muscles in the body to perform movements that require strength, coordination, and balance, such as walking, running, jumping, throwing, and climbing. These skills involve the coordination between the brain, muscles, and nervous system, and they are developed through physical activity and practice.

Risk analysis in children refers to the process of identifying potential risks or hazards to a child’s physical, emotional, or cognitive development, and assessing the likelihood and severity of harm that may result from these risks.

Sensory Stimulation refers to the various ways in which a child’s senses are engaged, including touch, sight, sound, smell, and taste. Sensory stimulation is essential for the healthy development of babies and toddlers, as it helps them to learn about and explore the world around them.


Connecting to the natural world for children means fostering a sense of wonder, curiosity, and appreciation for the environment around them. It involves creating opportunities for children to explore and learn about the natural world, developing a sense of respect and care for the environment, and encouraging children to develop a deeper understanding of the interconnectedness of all living things.

Imagination and creativity are two vital components of a child’s cognitive development. They enable children to explore their world, engage in play, and develop their social, emotional, and cognitive skills. Encouraging and fostering imagination and creativity supports children’s innovation and problem solving skills too.

When young children develop working theories, it means that they are actively trying to make sense of the world around them by constructing explanations or hypotheses about how things work or why things happen. These working theories are based on the child’s observations, experiences, and interactions with their environment.

 Problem-solving refers to the ability to identify and solve problems. It involves using critical thinking skills, creativity, and persistence to find solutions to a variety of challenges and obstacles. Problem-solving skills are essential for young children as they help to develop independence, self-confidence, and resilience.

Recognising symbols involves the ability to identify, name, and differentiate between symbols, and to understand their meaning and function. This skill forms the basis for reading, writing, and basic mathematics, and is therefore a fundamental building block of learning. Understanding concepts can involve learning about scientific concepts such as gravity, the water cycle, magnetic pull or reactions.

Personal Empowerment

Focus in children refers to the ability to pay attention and concentrate on a task for a sustained period of time. It is a cognitive skill that allows children to learn and process information effectively. Focus is crucial for young children as it helps them to learn and retain new information, develop important skills, and build self-control and attention span

Perseverance in young children refers to their ability to persist and stay determined in the face of challenges and setbacks. It is the quality that allows them to keep trying even when they encounter obstacles or failures.

Patience is the ability to wait calmly for something that you want or need. Developing patience is an important part of learning self-control and emotional regulation for young children.

Resilience in young children refers to their ability to adapt and bounce back from challenging or difficult situations. It is the quality that allows them to recover quickly from setbacks, cope with adversity, and continue to function well despite life’s challenges.

Self-belief in children refers to their confidence in their abilities, talents, and potential. It is the quality that allows them to believe in themselves and their capabilities, and to have a positive self-image.

Social Skills

Listening and following instructions helps develop language, cognitive, social, and emotional skills. These skills are important for future academic and social success, building positive relationships, and developing self-esteem.

Sharing is giving something that belongs to you to someone else, while turn-taking is waiting for your turn to do something. These social skills teach young children empathy, kindness, patience, and communication.

Working collaboratively means working together with others to achieve a common goal or complete a task. Working collaboratively helps children develop social and emotional skills, learn from others, appreciate diversity, problem-solve, and gain confidence.


Extending vocabulary is a crucial part of a child’s language development, it means to learn, use and practice words and phrases that they may not have encountered before. This can then support social, emotional and cognitive development as well as supporting development of their communication skills.

Expressing thoughts, emotions, and needs is an essential aspect of communication for young children. It means using words, gestures, facial expressions, and body language to convey what they are thinking, feeling, or what they require from others. By learning to express their thoughts, emotions, and needs, young children can communicate effectively with the people around them. It also helps them to develop social and emotional skills, such as empathy, self-awareness, and self-regulation.

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